* Copyright (c) 2017-2021. The WRENCH Team.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
** This simulator simulates the execution of a one-task workflow, where the task is:
** {InFile #0, InFile #1} -> Task -> {OutFile #0, OutFile #1}
** The compute platform comprises four hosts, WMSHost, StorageHost1, StorageHost2, and ComputeHost.
** On WMSHost runs a WMS (defined in class DataMovementWMS). On ComputeHost runs a bare metal
** compute service, that has access to the 10 cores of that host. On StorageHost1 and
** StorageHost2 run two storage services. Once the simulation is done,
** the completion time of each workflow task is printed.
** Example invocation of the simulator with no logging:
** ./wrench-example-bare-metal-data-movement ./dragonfly_cluster.xml
** Example invocation of the simulator with only WMS logging:
** ./wrench-example-bare-metal-data-movement ./dragonfly_cluster.xml --log=custom_wms.threshold=info
** Example invocation of the simulator with full logging:
** ./wrench-example-bare-metal-data-movement ./dragonfly_cluster.xml --wrench-full-log
#include <iostream>
#include <wrench.h>
#include "DataMovementWMS.h"// WMS implementation
* @brief The Simulator's main function
* @param argc: argument count
* @param argv: argument array
* @return 0 on success, non-zero otherwise
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
* Create a WRENCH simulation object
auto simulation = wrench::Simulation::createSimulation();
/* Initialize the simulation, which may entail extracting WRENCH-specific and
* Simgrid-specific command-line arguments that can modify general simulation behavior.
* Two special command-line arguments are --help-wrench and --help-simgrid, which print
* details about available command-line arguments. */
simulation->init(&argc, argv);
/* Parsing of the command-line arguments for this WRENCH simulation */
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <xml platform file> [--log=custom_wms.threshold=info]" << std::endl;
/* Reading and parsing the platform description file, written in XML following the SimGrid-defined DTD,
* to instantiate the simulated platform */
std::cerr << "Instantiating simulated platform..." << std::endl;
/* Declare a workflow */
auto workflow = wrench::Workflow::createWorkflow();
/* Add the workflow task and files */
auto task = workflow->addTask("task", 10000000000.0, 1, 10, 10000000);
task->addInputFile(wrench::Simulation::addFile("infile_1", 100000000));
task->addInputFile(wrench::Simulation::addFile("infile_2", 10000000));
task->addOutputFile(wrench::Simulation::addFile("outfile_1", 200000000));
task->addOutputFile(wrench::Simulation::addFile("outfile_2", 5000000));
/* Instantiate a storage service, and add it to the simulation.
* A wrench::StorageService is an abstraction of a service on
* which files can be written and read. This particular storage service, which is an instance
* of wrench::SimpleStorageService, is started on StorageHost1 in the
* platform , which has an attached disk mounted at "/". The SimpleStorageService
* is a basic storage service implementation provided by WRENCH.
* Throughout the simulation execution, input/output files of workflow tasks will be located
* in this storage service, and accessed remotely by the compute service. Note that the
* storage service is configured to use a buffer size of 50MB when transferring data over
* the network (i.e., to pipeline disk reads/writes and network revs/sends). */
std::cerr << "Instantiating a SimpleStorageService on StorageHost1..." << std::endl;
auto storage_service1 = simulation->add(wrench::SimpleStorageService::createSimpleStorageService(
"StorageHost1", {"/"}, {{wrench::SimpleStorageServiceProperty::BUFFER_SIZE, "50MB"}}, {}));
/* Instantiate another one on StorageHost2 */
std::cerr << "Instantiating a SimpleStorageService on StorageHost2..." << std::endl;
auto storage_service2 = simulation->add(wrench::SimpleStorageService::createSimpleStorageService(
"StorageHost2", {"/"}, {{wrench::SimpleStorageServiceProperty::BUFFER_SIZE, "50MB"}}, {}));
/* Instantiate a bare-metal compute service, and add it to the simulation.
* A wrench::BareMetalComputeService is an abstraction of a compute service that corresponds
* to a software infrastructure that can execute tasks on hardware resources.
* This particular service is started on ComputeHost and has no scratch storage space (mount point argument = "").
* This means that tasks running on this service will access data only from remote storage services. */
std::cerr << "Instantiating a bare-metal compute service on ComputeHost..." << std::endl;
auto baremetal_service = simulation->add(new wrench::BareMetalComputeService(
"ComputeHost", {"ComputeHost"}, "", {}, {}));
/* Instantiate a WMS, to be stated on WMSHost, which is responsible
* for executing the workflow-> */
auto wms = simulation->add(
new wrench::DataMovementWMS(workflow, baremetal_service, storage_service1, storage_service2, "WMSHost"));
/* Instantiate a file registry service to be started on WMSHost. This service is
* essentially a replica catalog that stores <file , storage service> pairs so that
* any service, in particular a WMS, can discover where files are stored. */
std::cerr << "Instantiating a FileRegistryService on WMSHost ..." << std::endl;
auto file_registry_service = new wrench::FileRegistryService("WMSHost");
/* It is necessary to store, or "stage", input files that only input. The getInputFiles()
* method of the Workflow class returns the set of all files that are not generated
* by workflow tasks, and thus are only input files. These files are then staged on the storage service. */
std::cerr << "Staging task input files..." << std::endl;
for (auto const &f: workflow->getInputFiles()) {
/* Launch the simulation. This call only returns when the simulation is complete. */
std::cerr << "Launching the Simulation..." << std::endl;
try {
} catch (std::runtime_error &e) {
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cerr << "Simulation done!" << std::endl;
/* Simulation results can be examined via simulation->getOutput(), which provides access to traces
* of events. In the code below, we print the retrieve the trace of all task completion events, print how
* many such events there are, and print some information for the first such event. */
auto trace = simulation->getOutput().getTrace<wrench::SimulationTimestampTaskCompletion>();
for (auto const &item: trace) {
std::cerr << "Task " << item->getContent()->getTask()->getID() << " completed at time " << item->getDate() << std::endl;
return 0;