* @brief Implements the SIMZEDCam class.
* @file SIMZEDCam.cpp
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-09-30
* @copyright Copyright MRDT 2023 - All Rights Reserved
#include "SIMZEDCam.h"
#include "../../../AutonomyConstants.h"
#include "../../../AutonomyGlobals.h"
#include "../../../AutonomyLogging.h"
/// \cond
#include "../../../util/NumberOperations.hpp"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <omp.h>
/// \endcond
* @brief Construct a new SIM Cam:: SIM Cam object.
* @param szCameraPath - The file path to the camera hardware.
* @param nPropResolutionX - X res of camera.
* @param nPropResolutionY - Y res of camera.
* @param nPropFramesPerSecond - FPS camera is running at.
* @param ePropPixelFormat - The pixel layout/format of the image.
* @param dPropHorizontalFOV - The horizontal field of view.
* @param dPropVerticalFOV - The vertical field of view.
* @param bEnableRecordingFlag - Whether or not this camera should be recorded.
* @param nNumFrameRetrievalThreads - The number of threads to use for frame queueing and copying.
* @param unCameraSerialNumber - The serial number of the camera.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-09-30
SIMZEDCam::SIMZEDCam(const std::string szCameraPath,
const int nPropResolutionX,
const int nPropResolutionY,
const int nPropFramesPerSecond,
const double dPropHorizontalFOV,
const double dPropVerticalFOV,
const bool bEnableRecordingFlag,
const int nNumFrameRetrievalThreads,
const unsigned int unCameraSerialNumber) :
// Assign member variables.
m_szCameraPath = szCameraPath;
m_nNumFrameRetrievalThreads = nNumFrameRetrievalThreads;
// Initialize OpenCV mats to a black/empty image the size of the camera resolution.
m_cvFrame = cv::Mat::zeros(nPropResolutionY, nPropResolutionX, CV_8UC4);
m_cvDepthImage = cv::Mat::zeros(nPropResolutionY, nPropResolutionX, CV_8UC3);
m_cvDepthMeasure = cv::Mat::zeros(nPropResolutionY, nPropResolutionX, CV_32FC1);
m_cvDepthBuffer = cv::Mat::zeros(nPropResolutionY, nPropResolutionX, CV_8UC3);
m_cvPointCloud = cv::Mat::zeros(nPropResolutionY, nPropResolutionX, CV_32FC4);
// Construct camera stream objects. Append proper camera path arguments to each URL camera path.
m_pRGBStream = std::make_unique<WebRTC>(szCameraPath, "ZEDFrontRGB");
m_pDepthImageStream = std::make_unique<WebRTC>(szCameraPath, "ZEDFrontDepthImage");
m_pDepthMeasureStream = std::make_unique<WebRTC>(szCameraPath, "ZEDFrontDepthMeasure");
// Set callbacks for the WebRTC connections.
// Set max FPS of the ThreadedContinuousCode method.
* @brief Destroy the SIM Cam:: SIM Cam object.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-09-30
// Destroy the WebRTC connections.
// Stop threaded code.
* @brief This method sets the callbacks for the WebRTC connections.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
void SIMZEDCam::SetCallbacks()
// Set the frame callbacks.
[this](cv::Mat& cvFrame)
// Acquire a lock on the webRTC copy mutex.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkWebRTC(m_muWebRTCRGBImageCopyMutex);
// Deep copy the frame.
m_cvFrame = cvFrame.clone();
[this](cv::Mat& cvFrame)
// Acquire a lock on the webRTC copy mutex.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkWebRTC(m_muWebRTCDepthImageCopyMutex);
// Deep copy the frame.
m_cvDepthImage = cvFrame.clone();
[this](cv::Mat& cvFrame)
// Acquire a lock on the webRTC copy mutex.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkWebRTC(m_muWebRTCDepthMeasureCopyMutex);
// Deep copy the frame.
m_cvDepthBuffer = cvFrame.clone();
* @brief This method decodes the encoded depth measure data from the simulator.
* We receive the depth measure from an H264 stream so it has to be encoded
* and packed in a special way to ensure things like compression and
* transmission are efficient.
* @param cvDepthBuffer - The encoded depth buffer.
* @param cvDepthMeasure - The decoded depth measure that will be written to.
* @note See docs/WhitePapers/2011-Adapting-Standard-Video-Codecs-for-Depth-Streaming.pdf
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2025-01-04
void SIMZEDCam::DecodeDepthMeasure(const cv::Mat& cvDepthBuffer, cv::Mat& cvDepthMeasure)
// Declare instance variables.
float fW = 65536.0;
float fNP = 512.0;
// TEST: Even though this speeds up the code, it might be too much CPU work as the codebase grows. Use a GpuMat instead.
// This is a parallel for loop that decodes the depth measure from the encoded depth buffer.
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
// Iterate over each pixel in the cvDepthMeasure image
for (int nY = 0; nY < cvDepthBuffer.rows; ++nY)
for (int nX = 0; nX < cvDepthBuffer.cols; ++nX)
// Extract the encoded depth values
cv::Vec3b cvEncodedDepth = cvDepthBuffer.at<cv::Vec3b>(nY, nX);
// Extract encoded values
float fL = cvEncodedDepth[2] / 255.0;
float fHa = cvEncodedDepth[1] / 255.0;
float fHb = cvEncodedDepth[0] / 255.0;
// Period for triangle waves
float fP = fNP / fW;
// Determine offset and fine-grain correction
int fM = fmod((4.0 * (fL / fP)) - 0.5, 4.0);
float fL0 = fL - fmod(fL - (fP / 8.0), fP) + ((fP / 4.0) * fM) - (fP / 8.0);
float fDelta = 0.0f;
if (fM == 0)
fDelta = (fP / 2.0) * fHa;
else if (fM == 1)
fDelta = (fP / 2.0) * fHb;
else if (fM == 2)
fDelta = (fP / 2.0) * (1.0 - fHa);
else if (fM == 3)
fDelta = (fP / 2.0) * (1.0 - fHb);
// Combine to compute the original depth
float fDepth = fW * (fL0 + fDelta);
// Check if the depth is within the bounds of the depth image
if (fDepth < 0.0)
fDepth = 0.0;
else if (fDepth > 65535.0)
fDepth = 65535.0;
// Check if nY and nX are within the bounds of the depth image
if (nY < cvDepthMeasure.rows && nX < cvDepthMeasure.cols)
// Store the decoded depth in the new cv::Mat. Convert cm to m.
cvDepthMeasure.at<float>(nY, nX) = static_cast<float>(fDepth / 100.0);
* @brief This method calculates a point cloud from the decoded depth measure
* use some simple trig and the camera FOV.
* @param cvDepthMeasure - The decoded depth measure.
* @param cvPointCloud - The point cloud that will be written to.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2025-01-04
void SIMZEDCam::CalculatePointCloud(const cv::Mat& cvDepthMeasure, cv::Mat& cvPointCloud)
// TEST: Even though this speeds up the code, it might be too much CPU work as the codebase grows. Use a GpuMat instead.
// This is a parallel for loop that calculates the point cloud from the decoded depth measure.
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
// Use the decoded depth measure to create a point cloud.
for (int nY = 0; nY < cvDepthMeasure.rows; ++nY)
for (int nX = 0; nX < cvDepthMeasure.cols; ++nX)
// Get the depth value.
float fDepth = cvDepthMeasure.at<float>(nY, nX);
// Get the horizontal and vertical angles.
double dHorizontalAngle = (nX - cvDepthMeasure.cols / 2.0) * m_dPropHorizontalFOV / cvDepthMeasure.cols;
double dVerticalAngle = (nY - cvDepthMeasure.rows / 2.0) * m_dPropVerticalFOV / cvDepthMeasure.rows;
// Convert angles to radians.
double dHorizontalAngleRad = dHorizontalAngle * M_PI / 180.0;
double dVerticalAngleRad = dVerticalAngle * M_PI / 180.0;
// Calculate the Cartesian coordinates.
float fX = fDepth * sin(dHorizontalAngleRad);
float fY = fDepth * sin(dVerticalAngleRad);
float fZ = fDepth * cos(dHorizontalAngleRad) * cos(dVerticalAngleRad);
// Store the decoded depth in the new cv::Mat
cvPointCloud.at<cv::Vec4f>(nY, nX) = cv::Vec4f(fX, fY, fZ, 1.0);
* @brief The code inside this private method runs in a separate thread, but still
* has access to this*. This method continuously get new frames from the OpenCV
* VideoCapture object and stores it in a member variable. Then a thread pool is
* started and joined once per iteration to mass copy the frames and/or measure
* to any other thread waiting in the queues.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-09-30
void SIMZEDCam::ThreadedContinuousCode()
// Acquire a lock on the rover pose mutex.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkRoverPoseLock(m_muCurrentRoverPoseMutex);
// Check if the NavBoard pointer is valid.
if (globals::g_pNavigationBoard != nullptr)
// Get the current rover pose from the NavBoard.
m_stCurrentRoverPose = geoops::RoverPose(globals::g_pNavigationBoard->GetGPSData(), globals::g_pNavigationBoard->GetHeading());
// Release lock.
// Check if the depth measure WebRTC connection is open.
if (m_pDepthMeasureStream != nullptr && m_pDepthMeasureStream->GetIsConnected())
// Acquire a lock on the WebRTC mutex.
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkWebRTC3(m_muWebRTCDepthMeasureCopyMutex);
// Decode the depth measure.
this->DecodeDepthMeasure(m_cvDepthBuffer, m_cvDepthMeasure);
// Release lock.
// Calculate the point cloud from the decoded depth measure.
this->CalculatePointCloud(m_cvDepthMeasure, m_cvPointCloud);
// Acquire a shared_lock on the frame copy queue.
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkSchedulers(m_muPoolScheduleMutex);
// Check if the frame copy queue is empty.
if (!m_qFrameCopySchedule.empty() || !m_qPoseCopySchedule.empty() || !m_qGeoPoseCopySchedule.empty())
// Add the length of all queues together to determine the number of tasks to create.
size_t siTotalQueueLength = m_qFrameCopySchedule.size() + m_qPoseCopySchedule.size() + m_qGeoPoseCopySchedule.size();
// Acquire shared lock on the WebRTC mutex, so that the WebRTC connection doesn't try to write to the Mats while they are being copied in the thread pool.
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkWebRTC(m_muWebRTCRGBImageCopyMutex);
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkWebRTC2(m_muWebRTCDepthImageCopyMutex);
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkWebRTC3(m_muWebRTCDepthMeasureCopyMutex);
// Start the thread pool to store multiple copies of the sl::Mat into the given cv::Mats.
this->RunDetachedPool(siTotalQueueLength, m_nNumFrameRetrievalThreads);
// Static bool for keeping track of if the thread pool has been started.
static bool bQueueTogglesAlreadyReset = false;
// Get current time.
std::chrono::_V2::system_clock::duration tmCurrentTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch();
// Only reset once every couple seconds.
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(tmCurrentTime).count() % 31 == 0 && !bQueueTogglesAlreadyReset)
// Reset queue counters.
m_bPosesQueued.store(false, ATOMIC_MEMORY_ORDER_METHOD);
m_bGeoPosesQueued.store(false, ATOMIC_MEMORY_ORDER_METHOD);
// Set reset toggle.
bQueueTogglesAlreadyReset = true;
// Crucial for toggle action. If time is not evenly devisable and toggles have previously been set, reset queue reset boolean.
else if (bQueueTogglesAlreadyReset)
// Reset reset toggle.
bQueueTogglesAlreadyReset = false;
// Wait for thread pool to finish.
// Release lock on WebRTC mutex.
// Release lock on frame copy queue.
* @brief This method holds the code that is ran in the thread pool started by
* the ThreadedLinearCode() method. It copies the data from the different
* data objects to references of the same type stored in a vector queued up by the
* Grab methods.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-09-30
void SIMZEDCam::PooledLinearCode()
// Frame queue.
// Acquire mutex for getting frames out of the queue.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkFrameQueue(m_muFrameCopyMutex);
// Check if the queue is empty.
if (!m_qFrameCopySchedule.empty())
// Get frame container out of queue.
containers::FrameFetchContainer<cv::Mat> stContainer = m_qFrameCopySchedule.front();
// Pop out of queue.
// Release lock.
// Determine which frame should be copied.
switch (stContainer.eFrameType)
case PIXEL_FORMATS::eBGRA: *(stContainer.pFrame) = m_cvFrame.clone(); break;
case PIXEL_FORMATS::eDepthImage: *(stContainer.pFrame) = m_cvDepthImage.clone(); break;
case PIXEL_FORMATS::eDepthMeasure: *(stContainer.pFrame) = m_cvDepthMeasure.clone(); break;
case PIXEL_FORMATS::eXYZ: *(stContainer.pFrame) = m_cvPointCloud.clone(); break;
default: *(stContainer.pFrame) = m_cvFrame.clone(); break;
// Signal future that the frame has been successfully retrieved.
// Pose queue.
// Acquire mutex for getting data out of the pose queue.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkPoseQueue(m_muPoseCopyMutex);
// Check if the queue is empty.
if (!m_qPoseCopySchedule.empty())
// Get pose container out of queue.
containers::DataFetchContainer<Pose> stContainer = m_qPoseCopySchedule.front();
// Pop out of queue.
// Release lock.
// Get angle realignments.
double dNewYO = numops::InputAngleModulus<double>(m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetCompassHeading() + m_dPoseOffsetYO, 0.0, 360.0);
// Repack values into pose.
Pose stPose(m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetUTMCoordinate().dEasting + m_dPoseOffsetX,
m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetUTMCoordinate().dAltitude + m_dPoseOffsetY,
m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetUTMCoordinate().dNorthing + m_dPoseOffsetZ,
// ISSUE NOTE: Might be in the future if we ever change our coordinate system on the ZED. This can be used to fix the directions of the Pose's coordinate system.
// // Check ZED coordinate system.
// switch (m_slCameraParams.coordinate_system)
// {
// {
// // Realign based in the signedness of this coordinate system. Z is backwards.
// stPose.stTranslation.dZ *= -1;
// break;
// }
// default:
// {
// // No need to flip signs for other coordinate systems.
// break;
// }
// }
// Copy pose.
*(stContainer.pData) = stPose;
// Signal future that the data has been successfully retrieved.
// Release lock.
// GeoPose queue.
// Acquire mutex for getting data out of the pose queue.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkGeoPoseQueue(m_muGeoPoseCopyMutex);
// Check if the queue is empty.
if (!m_qGeoPoseCopySchedule.empty())
// Get pose container out of queue.
containers::DataFetchContainer<sl::GeoPose> stContainer = m_qGeoPoseCopySchedule.front();
// Pop out of queue.
// Release lock.
// Get rover's current UTM position.
geoops::UTMCoordinate stCurrentUTM = m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetUTMCoordinate();
// Add offsets to the current UTM position.
stCurrentUTM.dEasting += m_dPoseOffsetX;
stCurrentUTM.dAltitude += m_dPoseOffsetY;
stCurrentUTM.dNorthing += m_dPoseOffsetZ;
// Create a GPS coordinate from the UTM position.
geoops::GPSCoordinate stCurrentGPS = geoops::ConvertUTMToGPS(stCurrentUTM);
// Create new GeoPose.
sl::GeoPose slGeoPose;
slGeoPose.heading = numops::InputAngleModulus<double>(m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetCompassHeading() + m_dPoseOffsetYO, 0.0, 360.0);
slGeoPose.latlng_coordinates.setCoordinates(stCurrentGPS.dLatitude, stCurrentGPS.dLongitude, stCurrentGPS.dAltitude, false);
// Copy pose.
*(stContainer.pData) = slGeoPose;
// Signal future that the data has been successfully retrieved.
// Release lock.
* @brief Puts a frame pointer into a queue so a copy of a frame from the camera can be written to it.
* Remember, this code will be ran in whatever, class/thread calls it.
* @param cvFrame - A reference to the cv::Mat to store the frame in.
* @return std::future<bool> - A future that should be waited on before the passed in frame is used.
* Value will be true if frame was successfully retrieved.
* @author ClayJay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-09-30
std::future<bool> SIMZEDCam::RequestFrameCopy(cv::Mat& cvFrame)
// Assemble the FrameFetchContainer.
containers::FrameFetchContainer<cv::Mat> stContainer(cvFrame, m_ePropPixelFormat);
// Acquire lock on frame copy queue.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkScheduler(m_muPoolScheduleMutex);
// Append frame fetch container to the schedule queue.
// Release lock on the frame schedule queue.
// Return the future from the promise stored in the container.
return stContainer.pCopiedFrameStatus->get_future();
* @brief Requests a depth measure or image from the camera.
* Puts a frame pointer into a queue so a copy of a frame from the camera can be written to it.
* This image has the same shape as a grayscale image, but the values represent the depth in
* MILLIMETERS. The ZEDSDK will always return this measure in MILLIMETERS.
* @param cvDepth - A reference to the cv::Mat to copy the depth frame to.
* @param bRetrieveMeasure - False to get depth IMAGE instead of MEASURE. Do not use the 8-bit grayscale depth image
* purposes other than displaying depth.
* @return std::future<bool> - A future that should be waited on before the passed in frame is used.
* Value will be true if frame was successfully retrieved.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-08-26
std::future<bool> SIMZEDCam::RequestDepthCopy(cv::Mat& cvDepth, const bool bRetrieveMeasure)
// Create instance variables.
// Check if the container should be set to retrieve an image or a measure.
bRetrieveMeasure ? eFrameType = PIXEL_FORMATS::eDepthMeasure : eFrameType = PIXEL_FORMATS::eDepthImage;
// Assemble container.
containers::FrameFetchContainer<cv::Mat> stContainer(cvDepth, eFrameType);
// Acquire lock on frame copy queue.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkSchedulers(m_muPoolScheduleMutex);
// Append frame fetch container to the schedule queue.
// Release lock on the frame schedule queue.
// Return the future from the promise stored in the container.
return stContainer.pCopiedFrameStatus->get_future();
* @brief Requests a point cloud image from the camera. This image has the same resolution as a normal
* image but with three XYZ values replacing the old color values in the 3rd dimension.
* The units and sign of the XYZ values are determined by ZED_MEASURE_UNITS and ZED_COORD_SYSTEM
* constants set in AutonomyConstants.h.
* Puts a frame pointer into a queue so a copy of a frame from the camera can be written to it.
* @param cvPointCloud - A reference to the cv::Mat to copy the point cloud frame to.
* @return std::future<bool> - A future that should be waited on before the passed in frame is used.
* Value will be true if frame was successfully retrieved.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-08-26
std::future<bool> SIMZEDCam::RequestPointCloudCopy(cv::Mat& cvPointCloud)
// Assemble the FrameFetchContainer.
containers::FrameFetchContainer<cv::Mat> stContainer(cvPointCloud, PIXEL_FORMATS::eXYZ);
// Acquire lock on frame copy queue.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkSchedulers(m_muPoolScheduleMutex);
// Append frame fetch container to the schedule queue.
// Release lock on the frame schedule queue.
// Return the future from the promise stored in the container.
return stContainer.pCopiedFrameStatus->get_future();
* @brief This method is used to reset the positional tracking of the camera.
* Because this is a simulation camera, and then ZEDSDK is not available,
* this method will just reset the offsets to zero.
* @return sl::ERROR_CODE - The error code returned by the ZED SDK. In this case, it will always be SUCCESS.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
sl::ERROR_CODE SIMZEDCam::ResetPositionalTracking()
// Reset offsets back to zero.
m_dPoseOffsetX = 0.0;
m_dPoseOffsetY = 0.0;
m_dPoseOffsetZ = 0.0;
m_dPoseOffsetXO = 0.0;
m_dPoseOffsetYO = 0.0;
m_dPoseOffsetZO = 0.0;
* @brief This method is used to reboot the camera. This method will stop the camera thread,
* join the camera thread, destroy the camera stream objects, reconstruct the camera stream
* objects, set the frame callbacks, and restart the camera thread. This simulates a camera
* reboot since the ZED SDK is not available.
* @return sl::ERROR_CODE - The error code returned by the ZED SDK. In this case, it will always be SUCCESS.
* Even if the streams are not successfully reconnected, the camera will still be considered open.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
sl::ERROR_CODE SIMZEDCam::RebootCamera()
// Stop the camera thread.
// Join the camera thread.
// Destroy the camera stream objects.
// Reconstruct camera stream objects. Append proper camera path arguments to each URL camera path.
m_pRGBStream = std::make_unique<WebRTC>(m_szCameraPath, "ZEDFrontRGB");
m_pDepthImageStream = std::make_unique<WebRTC>(m_szCameraPath, "ZEDFrontDepthImage");
m_pDepthMeasureStream = std::make_unique<WebRTC>(m_szCameraPath, "ZEDFrontDepthMeasure");
m_pPointCloudStream = std::make_unique<WebRTC>(m_szCameraPath, "ZEDFrontPointCloud");
// Set the frame callbacks.
// Restart the camera thread.
* @brief This method is used to subscribe the sl::Fusion object to the camera with the given UUID.
* Given that this is a simulation camera, and the ZED SDK is not available, this method will
* do nothing.
* @param slCameraUUID - The UUID of the camera to subscribe to.
* @return sl::FUSION_ERROR_CODE - The error code returned by the ZED SDK. In this case, it will always be SUCCESS.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
sl::FUSION_ERROR_CODE SIMZEDCam::SubscribeFusionToCameraUUID(sl::CameraIdentifier& slCameraUUID)
// Unused parameter.
(void) slCameraUUID;
* @brief This method is used to publish the camera to the sl::Fusion object.
* Since this is a simulation camera this will do nothing.
* @return sl::CameraIdentifier - The identifier of the camera.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
sl::CameraIdentifier SIMZEDCam::PublishCameraToFusion()
return sl::CameraIdentifier(m_unCameraSerialNumber);
* @brief This method is used to enable positional tracking on the camera.
* Since this is a simulation camera, this method will just set the member variable
* and then use the NavBoard to simulate the camera's position.
* @param fExpectedCameraHeightFromFloorTolerance - The expected camera height from the floor tolerance.
* @return sl::ERROR_CODE - The error code returned by the ZED SDK. In this case, it will always be SUCCESS.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
sl::ERROR_CODE SIMZEDCam::EnablePositionalTracking(const float fExpectedCameraHeightFromFloorTolerance)
// Unused parameter.
(void) fExpectedCameraHeightFromFloorTolerance;
// Update member variables.
m_bCameraPositionalTrackingEnabled = true;
* @brief This method is used to disable positional tracking on the camera.
* Since this is a simulation camera, this method will just set the member variable.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
void SIMZEDCam::DisablePositionalTracking()
// Update member variables.
m_bCameraPositionalTrackingEnabled = false;
* @brief This method is used to set the positional pose of the camera.
* Since this is a simulation camera, this method will just set the offset member variables.
* @param dX - The new X position of the camera in ZED_MEASURE_UNITS.
* @param dY - The new Y position of the camera in ZED_MEASURE_UNITS.
* @param dZ - The new Z position of the camera in ZED_MEASURE_UNITS.
* @param dXO - The new tilt of the camera around the X axis in degrees.
* @param dYO - The new tilt of the camera around the Y axis in degrees.
* @param dZO - The new tilt of the camera around the Z axis in degrees.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
void SIMZEDCam::SetPositionalPose(const double dX, const double dY, const double dZ, const double dXO, const double dYO, const double dZO)
// Acquire lock on the current rover pose mutex.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkPose(m_muCurrentRoverPoseMutex);
// Update offset member variables.
m_dPoseOffsetX = dX - m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetUTMCoordinate().dEasting;
m_dPoseOffsetY = dY - m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetUTMCoordinate().dAltitude;
m_dPoseOffsetZ = dZ - m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetUTMCoordinate().dNorthing;
m_dPoseOffsetXO = dXO;
m_dPoseOffsetYO = dYO - m_stCurrentRoverPose.GetCompassHeading();
m_dPoseOffsetZO = dZO;
* @brief Accessor for the camera open status.
* @return true - The camera has been successfully opened.
* @return false - The camera has not been successfully opened.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2023-09-30
bool SIMZEDCam::GetCameraIsOpen()
return m_pRGBStream->GetIsConnected() && m_pDepthImageStream->GetIsConnected() && m_pDepthMeasureStream->GetIsConnected();
* @brief Returns if the camera is using GPU memory. This is a simulation camera,
* so this method will always return false.
* @return true - We are using GPU memory.
* @return false - We are not using GPU memory.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
bool SIMZEDCam::GetUsingGPUMem() const
return false;
* @brief Accessor for the name of this model of camera.
* @return std::string - The model of the camera.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
std::string SIMZEDCam::GetCameraModel()
return "SIMZED2i";
* @brief Puts a sl::GeoPose pointer into a queue so a copy of a GeoPose from the camera can be written to it.
* @param stPose - A reference to the sl::GeoPose to store the GeoPose in.
* @return std::future<bool> - A future that should be waited on before the passed in GeoPose is used.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
std::future<bool> SIMZEDCam::RequestPositionalPoseCopy(ZEDCamera::Pose& stPose)
// Check if positional tracking is enabled.
if (m_bCameraPositionalTrackingEnabled)
// Assemble the data container.
containers::DataFetchContainer<Pose> stContainer(stPose);
// Acquire lock on pose copy queue.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkSchedulers(m_muPoolScheduleMutex);
// Append pose fetch container to the schedule queue.
// Release lock on the pose schedule queue.
// Check if pose queue toggle has already been set.
if (!m_bPosesQueued.load(ATOMIC_MEMORY_ORDER_METHOD))
// Signify that the pose queue is not empty.
m_bPosesQueued.store(true, ATOMIC_MEMORY_ORDER_METHOD);
// Return the future from the promise stored in the container.
return stContainer.pCopiedDataStatus->get_future();
// Submit logger message.
LOG_WARNING(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Attempted to get ZED positional pose but positional tracking is not enabled or is still initializing!");
// Create dummy promise to return the future.
std::promise<bool> pmDummyPromise;
std::future<bool> fuDummyFuture = pmDummyPromise.get_future();
// Set future value.
// Return unsuccessful.
return fuDummyFuture;
* @brief Puts a sl::GeoPose pointer into a queue so a copy of a GeoPose from the camera can be written to it.
* @param slGeoPose - A reference to the sl::GeoPose to store the GeoPose in.
* @return std::future<bool> - A future that should be waited on before the passed in GeoPose is used.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
std::future<bool> SIMZEDCam::RequestFusionGeoPoseCopy(sl::GeoPose& slGeoPose)
// Check if positional tracking has been enabled.
if (m_bCameraIsFusionMaster && m_bCameraPositionalTrackingEnabled)
// Assemble the data container.
containers::DataFetchContainer<sl::GeoPose> stContainer(slGeoPose);
// Acquire lock on frame copy queue.
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkSchedulers(m_muPoolScheduleMutex);
// Append frame fetch container to the schedule queue.
// Release lock on the frame schedule queue.
// Check if pose queue toggle has already been set.
if (!m_bGeoPosesQueued.load(ATOMIC_MEMORY_ORDER_METHOD))
// Signify that the pose queue is not empty.
m_bGeoPosesQueued.store(true, ATOMIC_MEMORY_ORDER_METHOD);
// Return the future from the promise stored in the container.
return stContainer.pCopiedDataStatus->get_future();
// Submit logger message.
"Attempted to get ZED FUSION geo pose but positional tracking is not enabled and/or this camera was not initialized as a Fusion Master!");
// Create dummy promise to return the future.
std::promise<bool> pmDummyPromise;
std::future<bool> fuDummyFuture = pmDummyPromise.get_future();
// Set future value.
// Return unsuccessful.
return fuDummyFuture;
* @brief Accessor for the if the camera's positional tracking is enabled.
* Since this is a simulation camera, this method will just return the member variable.
* @return true - Positional tracking is enabled.
* @return false - Positional tracking is disabled.
* @author clayjay3 (claytonraycowen@gmail.com)
* @date 2024-12-26
bool SIMZEDCam::GetPositionalTrackingEnabled()
return m_bCameraPositionalTrackingEnabled && this->GetCameraIsOpen();