namespace LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Paths;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Core;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Params\MissalsParams;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\AcceptHeader;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\LitLocale;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\RequestContentType;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\RequestMethod;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\StatusCode;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\RomanMissal;
class Missals
public static Core $Core;
public static MissalsParams $params;
public static object $missalsIndex;
private static array $requestPathParts = [];
* Initialize the payload from the request body.
* If the request body is a JSON or YAML encoded object, it will attempt to
* retrieve the locale, region, and year from the object.
* Else if the request body is Form encoded and the method is POST, it will attempt to
* retrieve the locale, region, and year from the form encoded values.
* If however the method is PUT or PATCH, the request body must be a JSON or YAML encoded object,
* otherwise it will produce a 404 Bad Request error.
* If the object or form does not have a 'locale' property, it will attempt to
* retrieve the locale from the 'Accept-Language' header of the request.
* If it does not find a valid locale, it will default to 'la' (Latin).
* If the object or form does not have a 'region' property, it will not set the
* 'REGION' key in the returned array.
* If the object or form does not have a 'year' property, it will not set the
* 'YEAR' key in the returned array.
* If the request did not provide a 'locale' parameter and there is no
* 'Accept-Language' header, it will default to 'la' (Latin).
* If the request did not provide a 'locale' parameter and the 'Accept-Language'
* header is not in the list of supported locales, it will default to 'la' (Latin).
* @return ?object the initialized payload, or null if the request body was not a JSON or YAML encoded object or a Form encoded object
private static function initPayloadFromRequestBody(): ?object
$payload = null;
$required = in_array(self::$Core->getRequestMethod(), [RequestMethod::PUT, RequestMethod::PATCH]);
switch (self::$Core->getRequestContentType()) {
case RequestContentType::JSON:
$payload = self::$Core->readJsonBody($required);
case RequestContentType::YAML:
$payload = self::$Core->readYamlBody($required);
case RequestContentType::FORMDATA:
$payload = (object)$_POST;
if (in_array(self::$Core->getRequestMethod(), [RequestMethod::PUT, RequestMethod::PATCH])) {
// the payload MUST be in the body of the request, either JSON encoded or YAML encoded
self::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Expected payload in body of request, either JSON encoded or YAML encoded");
return $payload;
* Handles the POST request payload for the Missals endpoint.
* If the request body is a JSON or YAML encoded object, it will attempt to
* retrieve the locale, region, and year from the object.
* If the object does not have a 'locale' property, it will attempt to
* retrieve the locale from the 'Accept-Language' header of the request.
* If it does not find a valid locale, it will default to 'la' (Latin).
* If the object does not have a 'region' property, it will not set the
* 'REGION' key in the returned array.
* If the object does not have a 'year' property, it will not set the
* 'YEAR' key in the returned array.
* @param ?object $payload the JSON or YAML encoded object or null if the
* request body was not a JSON or YAML encoded object
* @return array the initialized request parameters
private static function handlePostPayload(?object $payload): array
$data = [];
if ($payload !== null && property_exists($payload, 'locale')) {
$data["LOCALE"] = $payload->locale;
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
$locale = \Locale::acceptFromHttp($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
if ($locale && LitLocale::isValid($locale)) {
$data["LOCALE"] = $locale;
} else {
$data["LOCALE"] = LitLocale::LATIN;
if (property_exists($payload, 'region')) {
$data["REGION"] = $payload->region;
if (property_exists($payload, 'year')) {
$data["YEAR"] = $payload->year;
return $data;
* Handles the GET request payload for the Missals endpoint.
* @return array the initialized request parameters
private static function handleGetPayload(): array
$data = [];
if (isset($_GET['locale'])) {
$data["LOCALE"] = $_GET['locale'];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
$locale = \Locale::acceptFromHttp($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
if ($locale && LitLocale::isValid($locale)) {
$data["LOCALE"] = $locale;
} else {
$data["LOCALE"] = LitLocale::LATIN;
if (isset($_GET['region'])) {
$data["REGION"] = $_GET["region"];
if (isset($_GET['year'])) {
$data["YEAR"] = $_GET['year'];
return $data;
* Initialize the request parameters for the Missals endpoint.
* When the request method is POST, PUT or PATCH, the request body is expected to be a JSON or YAML encoded object,
* or in the case of a POST request method, possible a Form encoded object.
* The object (or form data) may contain the following properties:
* - locale: a string indicating the locale of the calendar
* - region: a string indicating the region of the calendar
* - year: an integer indicating the year for which the calendar should be calculated
* When the request method is GET, the query parameters are expected to have the same structure as the request body in the previous case.
* @return array the initialized request parameters
private static function initRequestParams(): array
$data = [];
if (in_array(self::$Core->getRequestMethod(), [RequestMethod::POST, RequestMethod::PUT, RequestMethod::PATCH])) {
$payload = self::initPayloadFromRequestBody();
if (self::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::POST) {
$data = self::handlePostPayload($payload);
} else {
$data["PAYLOAD"] = $payload;
} elseif (self::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::GET) {
$data = self::handleGetPayload();
return $data;
* Handles the path parameter(s) for the /missals path, if there are any.
* If there is more than one path parameter, it will produce an error response with a status code of 404.
* If there is one path parameter, it will attempt to retrieve the Missal with the given ID, and if found:
* - if the Missal has localized data, it will attempt to retrieve the localized data for the base locale,
* and if found, it will return the localized data.
* - if the Missal does not have localized data, or if the localized data for the base locale was not found,
* it will return the Missal data.
* If the Missal was not found, it will produce an error response with a status code of 404, listing the available
* Missal IDs.
* @return void
private static function handlePathParams()
$numPathParts = count(self::$requestPathParts);
$missalIDs = [];
if ($numPathParts > 1) {
"Only one path parameter expected for the `/missals` path but $numPathParts path parameters were found"
} else {
// the only path parameter we expect is the ID of the Missal
foreach (self::$missalsIndex->litcal_missals as $idx => $missal) {
if ($missal->missal_id === self::$requestPathParts[0]) {
$missalData = file_get_contents(RomanMissal::$jsonFiles[$missal->missal_id]);
if ($missalData) {
if (property_exists($missal, 'locales') && self::$params->baseLocale !== null) {
if (in_array(self::$params->baseLocale, $missal->locales)) {
$i18nFile = RomanMissal::$i18nPath[$missal->missal_id] . self::$params->baseLocale . ".json";
$i18nData = file_get_contents($i18nFile);
if ($i18nData) {
$i18nObj = json_decode($i18nData);
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
$error = "Error while processing localized data from file {$i18nFile}: " . json_last_error_msg();
self::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, $error);
$missalRows = json_decode($missalData);
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
$error = "Error while processing Missal data from file '{$missalData}': " . json_last_error_msg();
self::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, $error);
foreach ($missalRows as $idx => $row) {
$key = $row->event_key;
if (property_exists($i18nObj, $key)) {
$missalRows[$idx]->name = $i18nObj->{$key};
} else {
self::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Unable to read localized data from file {$i18nFile}");
} else {
} else {
"Unable to retrieve the Missal for region $missal->region published in the year $missal->year_published"
$missalIDs[] = $missal->missal_id;
"Could not find a Missal with id '" . self::$requestPathParts[0] . "', available values are: " . implode(', ', $missalIDs)
* Produce an error response with the given HTTP status code and description.
* The description is a short string that should be used to give more context to the error.
* The function will output the error in the response format specified by the Accept header
* of the request (JSON or YAML) and terminate the script execution with a call to die().
* @param int $statusCode the HTTP status code to return
* @param string $description a short description of the error
public static function produceErrorResponse(int $statusCode, string $description): void
header($_SERVER[ "SERVER_PROTOCOL" ] . StatusCode::toString($statusCode), true, $statusCode);
$message = new \stdClass();
$message->status = "ERROR";
$statusMessage = "";
switch (self::$Core->getRequestMethod()) {
case RequestMethod::PUT:
$statusMessage = "Resource not Created";
case RequestMethod::PATCH:
$statusMessage = "Resource not Updated";
case RequestMethod::DELETE:
$statusMessage = "Resource not Deleted";
$statusMessage = StatusCode::toString($statusCode);
$message->response = $statusCode === 404 ? "Resource not Found" : $statusMessage;
$message->description = $description;
$response = json_encode($message);
switch (self::$Core->getResponseContentType()) {
case AcceptHeader::YAML:
$responseObj = json_decode($response, true);
echo yaml_emit($responseObj, YAML_UTF8_ENCODING);
case AcceptHeader::JSON:
echo $response;
* Outputs the response for the /missals endpoint.
* Outputs the response as either JSON or YAML, depending on the value of
* self::$Core->getResponseContentType(). If the request method was PUT or
* PATCH, it also sets a 201 Created status code.
* @param string $jsonEncodedResponse the response as a JSON encoded string
private static function produceResponse(string $jsonEncodedResponse): void
if (in_array(self::$Core->getRequestMethod(), ['PUT','PATCH'])) {
header($_SERVER[ "SERVER_PROTOCOL" ] . " 201 Created", true, 201);
switch (self::$Core->getResponseContentType()) {
case AcceptHeader::YAML:
$responseObj = json_decode($jsonEncodedResponse, true);
echo yaml_emit($responseObj, YAML_UTF8_ENCODING);
case AcceptHeader::JSON:
echo $jsonEncodedResponse;
* Initializes the Missals class.
* @param array $requestPathParts the path parameters from the request
* This method will:
* - Create an instance of the Core class
* - Create an instance of the MissalsParams class
* - If the $requestPathParts argument is not empty, it will set the request path parts
* - It will create an empty stdClass object to store the Missal metadata
* - It will loop over the directories in the 'data' directory and if the directory contains
* a file with the same name as the directory and the extension '.json', it will create a
* stdClass object with the properties 'missal_id', 'name', 'region', 'year_published',
* 'locales', and 'api_path', and add it to the
* self::$missalsIndex->litcal_missals array.
* - Finally, it will set the request parameters using the initRequestParams method.
* @see \LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Paths\Missals::initRequestParams()
public static function init(array $requestPathParts = [])
self::$Core = new Core();
self::$params = new MissalsParams();
if (count($requestPathParts)) {
self::$requestPathParts = $requestPathParts;
self::$missalsIndex = new \stdClass();
self::$missalsIndex->litcal_missals = [];
if (false === is_readable('jsondata/sourcedata/missals')) {
self::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'Unable to read the jsondata/sourcedata/missals directory');
$missalFolderPaths = glob('jsondata/sourcedata/missals/propriumdesanctis*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
if (false === $missalFolderPaths) {
self::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'Unable to read the jsondata/sourcedata/missals directory contents');
if (count($missalFolderPaths) === 0) {
self::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, 'No Missals found');
$missalFolderNames = array_map('basename', $missalFolderPaths);
foreach ($missalFolderNames as $missalFolderName) {
if (file_exists("jsondata/sourcedata/missals/$missalFolderName/$missalFolderName.json")) {
$missal = new \stdClass();
if (preg_match('/^propriumdesanctis_([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9])$/', $missalFolderName, $matches)) {
$missal->missal_id = "EDITIO_TYPICA_{$matches[1]}";
$missal->region = "VA";
if (is_readable("jsondata/sourcedata/missals/$missalFolderName/i18n")) {
$it = new \DirectoryIterator("glob://jsondata/sourcedata/missals/$missalFolderName/i18n/*.json");
$locales = [];
foreach ($it as $f) {
$locales[] = $f->getBasename('.json');
$missal->locales = $locales;
} else {
$missal->locales = null;
//$missal->year_published = intval($matches[1]);
} elseif (preg_match('/^propriumdesanctis_([A-Z]+)_([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9])$/', $missalFolderName, $matches)) {
$missal->missal_id = "{$matches[1]}_{$matches[2]}";
$missal->region = $matches[1];
//$missal->year_published = intval($matches[2]);
$missal->name = RomanMissal::getName($missal->missal_id);
$missal->year_limits = RomanMissal::$yearLimits[$missal->missal_id];
$missal->year_published = RomanMissal::$yearLimits[$missal->missal_id][ "since_year" ];
$missal->api_path = API_BASE_PATH . "/missals/$missal->missal_id";
self::$missalsIndex->litcal_missals[] = $missal;
// we only set the request parameters after we have collected the MissalRegions and MissalYears
* Handles the request for the /missals endpoint.
* If the request method is GET, it will validate the Accept header and set the
* response content type header.
* If the request method is POST, PUT, or PATCH, it will validate the request body
* and set the response content type header.
* If there are no path parameters, it will return all the Missal metadata.
* If there is one path parameter, it will attempt to retrieve the Missal with the
* given ID, and if found:
* - if the Missal has localized data, it will attempt to retrieve the localized
* data for the base locale, and if found, it will return the localized data.
* - if the Missal does not have localized data, or if the localized data for the
* base locale was not found, it will return the Missal data.
* If the Missal was not found, it will produce an error response with a status code
* of 404, listing the available Missal IDs.
public static function handleRequest()
if (self::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::GET) {
} else {
if (count(self::$requestPathParts) === 0) {
if (null !== self::$params->Locale) {
header("X-Litcal-Missals-Locale: " . self::$params->Locale, false);
} else {
header("X-Litcal-Missals-Locale: none", false);
if (null === self::$params->Region && null === self::$params->Year) {
} else {
$filteredResults = self::$missalsIndex;
if (null !== self::$params->Region) {
$filteredResults->litcal_missals = array_values(array_filter(
fn ($missal) => $missal->region === self::$params->Region
header("X-Litcal-Missals-Region: " . self::$params->Region, false);
if (null !== self::$params->Year) {
$filteredResults->litcal_missals = array_values(array_filter(
fn ($missal) => $missal->year_published === self::$params->Year
header("X-Litcal-Missals-Year: " . self::$params->Year, false);