namespace LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Params;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Paths\RegionalData;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\Route;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\StatusCode;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\LitLocale;
use LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Enum\RequestMethod;
* Class RegionalDataParams
* This class is responsible for handling the parameters provided to the RegionalData class.
* The class is initialized with a set of parameters passed in from the API request. These parameters
* are used to determine which calendar data to retrieve or update or delete.
* @package LiturgicalCalendar\Api\Params
class RegionalDataParams
private readonly object $calendars;
* An array of expected values for the category parameter of requests to the /data API path.
* @var array<string, string>
public const array EXPECTED_CATEGORIES = [
"diocese" => "DIOCESANCALENDAR",
"widerregion" => "WIDERREGIONCALENDAR"
public ?string $category = null;
public ?string $key = null;
public ?string $locale = null;
public ?object $payload = null;
public ?string $i18nRequest = null;
public function __construct()
$calendarsRoute = API_BASE_PATH . Route::CALENDARS->value;
$metadataRaw = file_get_contents($calendarsRoute);
if ($metadataRaw) {
$metadata = json_decode($metadataRaw);
if (JSON_ERROR_NONE === json_last_error() && property_exists($metadata, 'litcal_metadata')) {
//let's remove the Vatican calendar from the list
$this->calendars = $metadata->litcal_metadata;
* Validate the parameters provided to the RegionalData class for a National Calendar.
* The method checks the following:
* - The `category` parameter is "NATIONALCALENDAR".
* - The `key` parameter is a valid nation.
* - The `locale` parameter is a valid locale for the given nation.
* - The `payload` parameter is a valid JSON object.
* - If the request method is PUT, the National Calendar data does not already exist.
* - If the request method is DELETE, the National Calendar data is not in use by a Diocesan calendar.
* If any of the checks fail, the method will produce an error response with a 400 status code.
* @param object $data
* The parameters provided to the RegionalData class.
* @return string
* The validated nation value.
private function checkNationalCalendarConditions(object $data): string
if (RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::PUT) {
// Cannot PUT a National calendar data if it already exists
if (in_array($data->key, $this->calendars->national_calendars_keys)) {
"Cannot PUT National Calendar data if it already exists."
$uniqueRegions = array_unique(array_map(function (string $locale) {
return \Locale::getRegion($locale) !== '';
}, LitLocale::$AllAvailableLocales));
if (false === in_array($data->key, $uniqueRegions)) {
"Cannot PUT National Calendar data for an invalid nation. Valid nations are: " . implode(', ', $uniqueRegions) . "."
} elseif (RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::DELETE) {
// Cannot DELETE a National calendar data if it is still in use by a Diocesan calendar
foreach ($this->calendars->diocesan_calendars as $diocesanCalendar) {
if ($diocesanCalendar->nation === $data->key) {
"Cannot DELETE National Calendar data while there are Diocesan calendars that depend on it."
. " Currently, {$data->key} is in use by Diocesan calendar {$diocesanCalendar->calendar_id}."
} elseif (
false === in_array($data->key, $this->calendars->national_calendars_keys)
) {
$validVals = implode(', ', $this->calendars->national_calendars_keys);
"Invalid value {$data->key} for param `key`, valid values are: {$validVals}"
$currentNation = array_values(array_filter($this->calendars->national_calendars, fn ($el) => $el->calendar_id === $data->key));
if (empty($currentNation)) {
"Invalid value {$data->key} for param `key`, valid values are: "
. implode(', ', $this->calendars->national_calendars_keys) . "\n\n"
. json_encode($this->calendars->national_calendars, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)
// we don't care about locale for DELETE requests
if (RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() !== RequestMethod::DELETE) {
$validLangs = $currentNation[0]->locales;
if (property_exists($data, 'locale')) {
$data->locale = \Locale::canonicalize($data->locale);
if (
RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::PUT // short circuit for PUT requests that don't need to validate against existing locales
|| null !== $this->i18nRequest // short circuit for i18n requests
|| in_array($data->locale, $validLangs, true)
) {
$this->locale = $data->locale;
} else {
$message = "Invalid value {$data->locale} for param `locale`, valid values for nation {$data->key} are: "
. implode(', ', $validLangs);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
$value = \Locale::acceptFromHttp($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
if (
RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::PUT // short circuit for PUT requests that don't need to validate against existing locales
|| null !== $this->i18nRequest // short circuit for i18n requests
|| in_array($value, $validLangs, true)
) {
$this->locale = $value;
} else {
$message = "Invalid value {$value} for Accept-Language header, valid values for nation {$data->key} are: "
. implode(', ', $validLangs);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
} else {
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "`locale` param or `Accept-Language` header required for Wider Region calendar data");
return $data->key;
* Validate the parameters provided to the RegionalData class for a Diocesan Calendar.
* The method checks the following:
* - The `category` parameter is "DIOCESANCALENDAR".
* - The `key` parameter is a valid diocesan calendar key.
* - The `locale` parameter is a valid locale for the given diocesan calendar. ::TODO::
* - The `payload` parameter is a valid JSON object.
* - If the request method is PUT, the Diocesan Calendar data does not already exist.
* If any of the checks fail, the method will produce an error response with a 400 status code.
* @param object $data
* The parameters provided to the RegionalData class.
* @return string
* The validated diocesan calendar value.
private function checkDiocesanCalendarConditions(object $data): string
// For all requests other than PUT, we expect the diocese_id to exist
if (RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() !== RequestMethod::PUT) {
if (false === in_array($data->key, $this->calendars->diocesan_calendars_keys)) {
$validVals = implode(', ', $this->calendars->diocesan_calendars_keys);
"Invalid value {$data->key} for param `key`, valid values are: {$validVals}"
// For all requests other than PUT and DELETE, we expect a valid locale parameter
if (RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() !== RequestMethod::DELETE) {
$currentDiocese = array_values(array_filter($this->calendars->diocesan_calendars, fn ($el) => $el->calendar_id === $data->key))[0];
$validLangs = $currentDiocese->locales;
if (property_exists($data, 'locale')) {
$data->locale = \Locale::canonicalize($data->locale);
if (
RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::PUT // short circuit for PUT requests that don't need to validate against existing locales
|| null !== $this->i18nRequest // short circuit for i18n requests
|| in_array($data->locale, $validLangs, true)
) {
$this->locale = $data->locale;
} else {
$message = "Invalid value {$data->locale} for param `locale`, valid values for {$currentDiocese->diocese} are: "
. implode(', ', $validLangs);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
$value = \Locale::acceptFromHttp($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
if (
RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::PUT // short circuit for PUT requests which don't require a check against valid langs
|| null !== $this->i18nRequest // short circuit for i18n requests
|| in_array($value, $validLangs, true) // otherwise check against valid langs
) {
$this->locale = $value;
} else {
$message = "Invalid value {$value} for Accept-Language header, valid values for {$currentDiocese->diocese} are: "
. implode(', ', $validLangs);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
} else {
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "`locale` param or `Accept-Language` header required for Diocesan calendar data when request method is GET, POST, or PATCH");
return $data->key;
* Validate the parameters provided to the RegionalData class for a Wider Region Calendar.
* The method checks the following:
* - The `category` parameter is "WIDERREGIONCALENDAR".
* - The `key` parameter is a valid wider region calendar key.
* - The `locale` parameter is a valid locale for the given wider region calendar.
* - If the request method is PUT, the Wider Region Calendar data does not already exist. ::TODO::
* - If the request method is DELETE, there are no national calendars that depend on the wider region calendar.
* If any of the checks fail, the method will produce an error response with a 400 status code.
* @param object $data
* The parameters provided to the RegionalData class.
* @return string
* The validated wider region calendar value.
private function checkWiderRegionCalendarConditions(object $data)
if (
false === in_array($data->key, $this->calendars->wider_regions_keys, true)
&& RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() !== RequestMethod::PUT
) {
$validVals = implode(', ', $this->calendars->wider_regions_keys);
$message = "Invalid value {$data->key} for param `key`, valid values are: {$validVals}";
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, $message);
// The locale parameter can be supplied by the Accept-Language header or by a `locale` property in the payload.
$currentWiderRegion = array_values(array_filter($this->calendars->wider_regions, fn ($el) => $el->name === $data->key))[0];
$validLangs = $currentWiderRegion->locales;
if (property_exists($data, 'locale')) {
$data->locale = \Locale::canonicalize($data->locale);
if (
RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::PUT // short circuit for PUT requests that don't need to validate against existing locales
|| null !== $this->i18nRequest // short circuit for i18n requests
|| in_array($data->locale, $validLangs, true)
) {
$this->locale = $data->locale;
} else {
$message = "Invalid value {$data->locale} for param `locale`, valid values for wider region {$currentWiderRegion->name} are: "
. implode(', ', $validLangs);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
$value = \Locale::acceptFromHttp($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
if (
RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::PUT // short circuit for PUT requests that don't need to validate against existing locales
|| null !== $this->i18nRequest // short circuit for i18n requests
|| in_array($value, $validLangs, true)
) {
$this->locale = $value;
} else {
$message = "Invalid value {$value} for Accept-Language header, valid values for wider region {$currentWiderRegion->name} are: "
. implode(', ', $validLangs);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
} else {
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "`locale` param or `Accept-Language` header required for Wider Region calendar data");
// Check the request method: cannot DELETE Wider Region calendar data if there are national calendars that depend on it
if (RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod() === RequestMethod::DELETE) {
foreach ($this->calendars->national_calendars as $nationalCalendar) {
if (in_array($data->key, $nationalCalendar->wider_regions)) {
"Cannot DELETE Wider Region calendar data while there are National calendars that depend on it. "
. "Currently {$data->key} is in use by {$nationalCalendar->calendar_id}"
return $data->key;
private function validatePayload(object $payload): bool
switch ($this->category) {
if (
false === property_exists($payload, 'litcal')
|| false === property_exists($payload, 'metadata')
|| false === property_exists($payload, 'settings')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'locales')
) {
$message = "Cannot create or update National calendar data when the payload does not have required properties `litcal`, `metadata` or `settings`. Payload was:\n" . json_encode($payload, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
switch (RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod()) {
case 'PUT':
if (
false === property_exists($payload, 'litcal')
|| false === property_exists($payload, 'i18n')
|| false === property_exists($payload, 'metadata')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'locales')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'timezone')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'nation')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'diocese_id')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'diocese_name')
) {
$message = "Cannot create Diocesan calendar data when the payload does not have required properties `litcal`, `i18n`, `metadata`, `metadata.locales`, `metadata.timezone`, `metadata.nation`, `metadata.diocese_id` or `metadata.diocese_name`. Payload was:\n" . json_encode($payload, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
case 'PATCH':
if (
false === property_exists($payload, 'litcal')
|| false === property_exists($payload, 'i18n')
|| false === property_exists($payload, 'metadata')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'locales')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'timezone')
) {
$message = "Cannot update Diocesan calendar data when the payload does not have required properties `litcal`, `i18n`, `metadata`, `metadata.locales` or `metadata.timezone`. Payload was:\n" . json_encode($payload, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
if (
false === property_exists($payload, 'litcal')
|| false === property_exists($payload, 'metadata')
|| false === property_exists($payload, 'national_calendars')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'wider_region')
|| false === property_exists($payload->metadata, 'locales')
) {
$message = "Cannot create or update Wider Region calendar data when the payload does not have required properties `litcal`, `national_calendars`, `metadata`, `metadata->wider_region`, `metadata->locales`. Payload was:\n" . json_encode($payload, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, $message);
return false;
return true;
* Validates and sets the parameters for the RegionalData class.
* The method expects the following properties on the `$data` object:
* - `category`: one of the values in {@see RegionalDataParams::EXPECTED_CATEGORIES}
* - `key`: a valid key for the given category
* The method will produce a 400 error if either of the above properties are missing or invalid.
* If the request method is GET or POST and the `i18n` property is present in the `$data` object,
* it will be used to set the `i18nRequest` property (meaning the request is for i18n data, not calendar data).
* If the request method is PUT or PATCH, we validate the payload and set the `payload` property.
* @param object $data
* The parameters to validate and set.
* @return bool
* True if the parameters are valid, false otherwise.
public function setData(object $data): bool
if (false === property_exists($data, 'category') || false === property_exists($data, 'key')) {
"Expected params `category` and `key` but either one or both not present"
if (false === in_array($data->category, self::EXPECTED_CATEGORIES)) {
"Unexpected value '{$data->category}' for param `category`, acceptable values are: " . implode(', ', array_keys(self::EXPECTED_CATEGORIES))
if (in_array(RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod(), [RequestMethod::GET, RequestMethod::POST], true)) {
if (property_exists($data, 'i18n')) {
$this->i18nRequest = $data->i18n;
$this->category = $data->category;
switch ($data->category) {
$this->key = $this->checkNationalCalendarConditions($data);
$this->key = $this->checkDiocesanCalendarConditions($data);
$this->key = $this->checkWiderRegionCalendarConditions($data);
$this->key = null;
if (in_array(RegionalData::$Core->getRequestMethod(), [RequestMethod::PUT, RequestMethod::PATCH], true)) {
if (false === property_exists($data, 'payload') || false === $data->payload instanceof \stdClass) {
RegionalData::produceErrorResponse(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot create or update Calendar data without a payload");
if ($this->validatePayload($data->payload)) {
$this->payload = $data->payload;
return true;