* This file is part of Chevere.
* (c) Rodolfo Berrios <rodolfo@chevere.org>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Chevere\ThrowableHandler\Formats;
use Chevere\Trace\Interfaces\TraceInterface;
use Chevere\VarDump\Formats\HtmlFormat as VarDumpHtmlFormat;
use Chevere\VarDump\Interfaces\FormatInterface as VarDumpFormatInterface;
final class HtmlFormat extends Format
public function getVarDumpFormat(): VarDumpFormatInterface
return new VarDumpHtmlFormat();
public function getItemTemplate(): string
return '<div class="pre pre--stack-entry '
. '">'
. TraceInterface::TAG_ENTRY_POS
. ' '
. TraceInterface::TAG_ENTRY_FILE_LINE
. "\n"
. TraceInterface::TAG_ENTRY_CLASS
. TraceInterface::TAG_ENTRY_TYPE
. TraceInterface::TAG_ENTRY_FUNCTION
. '</div>';
public function getHr(): string
return '<div class="hr"><span>'
. '------------------------------------------------------------'
. '</span></div>';
public function getLineBreak(): string
return "\n<br>\n";
public function getWrapHidden(string $value): string
return '<span class="hide">' . $value . '</span>';
public function getWrapSectionTitle(string $value): string
return '<div class="title">'
. str_replace('# ', $this->getWrapHidden('# '), $value)
. '</div>';
public function getWrapTitle(string $value): string
return '<div class="title title--scream">' . $value . '</div>';