return [
| Robots
| Robots option tells search engines what to follow and what not to follow.
| It's a simple option that gives you the power to decide about what
| pages you want to hide from search engine crawlers and what pages you
| want them to index and look at.
'robots' => 'all',
| Revisit After
| Here you may specify how search engines will re-visit and re-crawl your site.
'revisit_after' => 'period',
| Referrer
| Here you may specify how you want other sites to get referrer information
| from your site.
| options available are: none, unsafe-url, origin and none-when-downgrade
'referrer' => 'no-referrer-when-downgrade',
| Type
| Here you may specify the structure type of your website or a specific page
'type' => 'website',
| Title
| Here you may provide the title of your website or a specific page to help search
| engines understand it better.
'title' => '',
| Description
| Here you may provide the description of your website or a specific page to
| help search engines understand it better.
'description' => '',
| Image
| Here you may provide the url to the image you want search
| engines and crawlers to make use of when displaying your website
| or a specific page page.
'image' => '',
| Author
| Here you may provide the author's name you want search
| engines to make use of when displaying your website
| or a specific page page.
'author' => '',
| These are for use if you have a physical location that is important
| for your business.
'geo_region' => '', //e.g: Lagos
'geo_position' => '', //e.g(lng,lat): 4.870467,6.993388
| Here you may provide your twitter @username of your account
'twitter_site' => '',
| Here you may specify the way you want crawlers to understand your
| twitter share type. Check twitter docs for more options.
'twitter_card' => 'summary_large_image',
| Here you may provide your facebook app id
'fb_app_id' => '',
| Here you may provide keywords relevant to your website and the specific page.
'keywords' => '',